Johan Westling Apps

Currency Converter 1.4
Convert between currencies from all around the world. Automaticallydownloads the latest exchange rates. Automatically uses the lastpreviously downloaded exchange rate when internet access is notavailable.
TextTV 1.16
App for browsing swedish Text TV pages.Supported swedish Text TV providers include SVT, TV3 and TV4.Also support for international Teletext including BBC (Ceefax BBC1and BBC2) and RTE Aertel.User friendly browsing of Text TV pages. Browse to a page byentering its page number in the text box. Browse to the next orprevious page with a press of a button or just sweep the fingerover the screen. Follow links by clicking the screen. Share a pageto your favorite social media, email or messaging app by selectingShare from the menu or long press on the screen.
TeleText 1.1
App for browsing Teletext pages.
IR Remote Control 1.17
IR Remote Control turns your phone into a universal remote control.
Dreambox Remote Control 1.9
Remote control for dreambox tv boxes.
Pollen forecast 1.12
App for viewing swedish pollen forecast.